5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass
Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass
February 8th-9th, 2025
World Day of Marriage
World Day for the Sick (February 11th)
First reading: Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8
Responsorial: Psalm 138 "Before the Angels I sing your praise, O Lord!"
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Alleluia. Alleluia. Come follow me, says the Lord, and I will make you fishers of people. Alleluia.
Gospel: Luke 5:1-11
Good News from the these five Sundays: Jesus calls each and every one of us to be "God's secret agents" in the world... manifesting his power to extend his love, mercy, peace, and concord through us into dark places and other people's lives....
Homily Note Points
Past few weeks - We are God's "Secret Agents"
This Sunday (1) World Marriage Day
(2) World Day of the Sick (February 11th)
Word of God Today:
1. Isaiah - awareness of his sins held Isaiah back from hearing God's call and responding - he needed God's action / grace (God's life force) mediated through the live coal
2. Paul, when he was still Saul, was proud of his accomplishments, his religious discipline and devotion, but his pride made him blind and deaf to what God was doing in Jesus.
To get his attention, Jesus had to knock him down and blind him - he confessed and repented, and the Lord sent Ananias to lay hands on him and restore his sight. Now, Paul was able and eager to respond to Jesus and follow Him.
3. People loved to listen to Jesus but were not ready to commit to following Him - Jesus had to get their attention, beginning with the fishermen, in a way that fishermen would understand. Seeing the miraculous catch of fish, they were now ready to leave their work and follow Jesus.
So also with us.... God calls us all to be his secret agents in the world so He can use our strengths and talents but also our weaknesses to shine the power of his love, mercy, and pece through us to others. Jesus wants to set everyone free to hear and to reply to God's call.
Marriages living 50 / 50 = 25% couples
Jesus calls couples to be 100 / 100 = 100% couples
The sick and wounded may also be held back unless them embrace their suffering with Jesus and make it their personal spiritual sacrifice to God; as Jesus did.
Alternatively, Jesus wants to heal those who He calls to be his witnesses.
The divine life of the Most Holy Trinity is poured into us beginning at Baptism.
All human beings are children of God, but most do not realize or understand this.
In Baptism, God the Father adopts us and brings us into communion with the Most Holy Trinity, and as we accept to grow in faith, we enter more fully into this communion.
Confession / the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is a 2nd Baptism, renewing us in this spiritual adoption and restoring our lost innocence again. Each time we confess to Jesus before the priest, we take responsibility for our life and for our sins, opening the gate of our heart to receive God's forgiveness, mercy, and love; freeing us to hear and respond to Jesus.
At Confirmation, we were filled with the Holy Spirit, the personal life force of God. The Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus' words, helps us to understand, and strengthens us to follow Him.
When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, we receive a transfusion of the divine life force of love of the Most Holy Trinity. Following Jesus, we become more like Him.
Jubilee 2025 - This special year is an invitation and an opportunity for RENEWAL in intimacy and communion with God, with the Most Holy Trinity, renewing our enthusiasm and courage to live with God, for God, and as children of the Father.
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