The indigenous children who were buried in secret reveal great contempt for human life; while Jesus shed his blood to make visible God's love - Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - LSM sponsored by CAM - May 23rd, 2021 - OLF Parish

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You satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest wheat;
come give to us, O saving Lord, the Bread of Life to eat!

The media are saturated with news about the bones of some 215 indigenous children uncovered in a common grave at a former residential school for indigenous children. This media attention stands in sharp contrast with the secrecy in which these children disappeared. Taken from their families, each of these children’s lives obviously had no value in the eyes of their school. This is doubly tragic. 

Our society expects to find more hidden graves elsewhere. This shocking discovery exposes the contempt that indigenous peoples have generally suffered at the hands of our whole society since the time of our first colonists from Europe five centuries ago. All the treaties and agreements made between our governors since the beginning of our colonies with indigenous peoples have generally been violated or ignored. This is an extraordinary injustice.

On his part, our God keeps his covenants. The blood of sacrificial animals was sprinkled on the people to signify the seriousness of the covenant offered by God. If one or other party broke his part of the covenant, then his blood was to be shed. Whenever the people of Israel were unfaithful to the covenant, their blood was indeed shed by the sword of their enemies.

Seeing our incapacity to be faithful, God let the blood of his own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, be shed on the soldiers’ courtyard, on the way of the cross, and finally on the cross on Calvary. Jesus shed his blood to the very last drop. Jesus’ passion and death made visible the love of God for us, for each and every one of us. The Most Holy Trinity hopes that seeing Jesus on the cross our hard heart will break; then God’s love can penetrate into our heart to heal us and fill us with divine life.

By our Baptism the divine life of the Trinity seeks to replace the evil and selfishness which tends to destroy humanity. By our Confirmation the Holy Spirit strengthens us to dare believe in the love of God and trust in Him. By the Penance and Reconciliation of Confession Jesus erases our sins and renews in us this new life in God. As a mother feeds her baby at her breast, in each Holy Communion Jesus gives us a transfusion of the divine life He has by the love of the Father in the Holy Spirit.

You satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest wheat;
come give to us, O saving Lord, the Bread of Life to eat!

It is high time for us to no longer treat God with contempt, this God who in Jesus shows Himself to be so sincere, so vulnerable, so merciful, so completely given and so generous. It is up to us to decide every day to make a return of love to God the Holy Trinity in prayer and devotion; while at the same time making courageous and generous efforts day by day to love our neighbor as ourselves, especially those who are most difficult to love.

If we want to be forgiven and to live in peace, we must forgive all those who offend us. God never tires of forgiving us; in our turn, let us not tire of forgiving others their sins and offenses against us.

God, this Most Holy Trinity who created us, who saves us in Jesus, and who sanctifies us in the Holy Spirit, this God who is the source of the fire which makes the stars burn, this God makes himself so discrete towards us, in all tenderness and mercy…. God quietly respects our freedom, all the while hoping that from one moment to the next, from day to day, we will freely choose to live, to behave, and to love as children of God….

You satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest wheat;
come give to us, O saving Lord, the Bread of Life to eat!

Dear brothers, dear sisters, let us contemplate for a few minutes in silence this Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the Tabernacle and who in a few minutes will once again be present on the Altar in his Body and Blood risen from the dead and alive under the appearance of bread and wine.

Now for 4 minutes in silence we will contemplate and adore the Most Holy Trinity.

You satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest wheat;
come give to us, O saving Lord, the Bread of Life to eat!



© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal QC

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