The Funeral Mass for Maureen Rodrigues Marolly - Father, Jesus his Son, and the Holy Spirit offer intimate friendship to each and every human being on Earth. - June 3rd, 2022 - St. Thomas à Becket Parish Church

Holy Mass of Anticipation of the Resurrection   

VOCATION: Jesus calls us - He calls you to follow Him, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and become a missionary disciple....

 Homily MP3 version 


        There is no doubt that our God clearly wants an intimate relation with all of us, with each and every human being. The mystery of it is that our God likes to play "hide and seek" and the Holy Trinity have elected to do the hiding and it's up to us to do the seeking; which explains why there is such a variety of religions in the world. The Father always wanted to bring us closer to Himself, and so, it was from all eternity He planned to send his Son among us to become one of us, and we know Him as Jesus.

        Now, Jesus spent most of his life living a simple life with his Mother Mary and Father Joseph, learning the trade of a carpenter and being a good neighbour; learning to be an expert with wood, but also with people. Then, He spent three years trying to bring humanity closer. Have you ever wondered why Jesus used so many different parables to speak about this new life, this new relationship with God? The Apostles were actually exasperated with Him at times and wanted Him to make things simpler, plainer. The truth of it is that this new life, this Kingdom of God, is something interior, which also becomes visible. 

        For example... Clayton, do you still love Maureen? "Definitely, at all times." Show me your love... where is it? Bring it out... show it to us. Of course not, it's something interior, mysterious, hidden, but it is so real, yes? And it does manifest itself. As Adrian witnessed, you put a cot next to Maureen's hospital bed to be with her... so we understand these things. The important precious things are invisible, but they do manifest themselves in the visible world. 

        I'm very grateful to the grandchildren because of the beautiful birthday card you gave to your Nana. I saw it yesterday and I read the notes, and I was very struck by something. At least three of you wrote: "I don't know what I would do without you, Nana." Something like that. Right? I think that you already knew that she wasn't well and you could already foresee the day when she would no longer we walking among us. So, that's a very precious thought. What would I do without you? Indeed, what would I do without you? We say to the person we love who has gone from this world. 

        So, where is she? ("She's with God.") What we have here is her earthly home in which we knew her, touched her, loved her, and who cooked for us, and so on, with this body, this earthly home, this dwelling, this house, which is now empty. As I mentioned yesterday, this house no longer has curtains in the windows; the windows are bare, the lights are out, it's empty, it's sad; so, where has the occupant gone? 

        If it helps you to visualize this, you might want to close your eyes for a moment, and just become aware of the interior landscape inside yourself. I believe that a lot of people - and this is one of the reasons there's so much trouble in the world - a lot of people have never realized there is a world inside them. I thank God for our grade two teacher (Miss Frenette). We must have been rambunctious... she told us to put our heads on our desk and close our eyes, and she led us in a reflection, and in this reflection I became aware that there is a world inside. It is in this world inside that God visits with us. Call it the "soul"... it is also linked to our mind, which is a factory producing thoughts, and it is also linked to our heart, the crossroads of our emotions... but the deepest part of this interior world is our soul. 

        It is immortal; it will never die. It is a spark of God's own divinity. He who is a divine being who never had a beginning and will never have an end, created our human souls like himself, like the angels in a way, immortal, who will never die. Nothing in the universe, no power, can ever destroy a human soul. 

        Now, this soul is what contains all of our experiences, all of our memories, all of our decisions, all of our efforts to love and to be loved, our willingness to forgive, our acceptance and endurance of suffering; all the great accomplishments of human beings are contained and reserved in the soul. Consider it the "hard drive" of a human being, and this soul leaves the body when we draw our last breath. People who have died for a few minutes and come back relate stories of having glimpsed this other world, this other dimension, this Kingdom of God, the Presence of the Almighty. And it's often an experience of light, of wonder, of peace, of love.

        The atmosphere in this world is oxygen, nitrogen, and humidity, and sometimes pollution. The atmosphere in Heaven is Love. I'm sure your Nana would want you to know and to remember this: that you have choices every day, and often during the day, and the choices are about accepting love and accepting to give love, and we give love in many ways. We cook and serve food. We also accept to put up with one another. There is perhaps no greater love than this, to put up with another person, to accept them as they are; not to try and change them, but to accept them as they are. And if we think there's something wrong with them; it's God's problem. God is the one who works on human souls, to transform us, to help us grow. Our best decision and action is to serve one another, put ourselves at the service of others, offer a kind and listening ear, offer a smile, a helping hand. I think there's even room for kidding; right Clayton? (Clayton:) "100%." One hundred percent he says. 

        What will happen in your home? We don't know. Whatever it was that mysteriously began on October 7th, 1994... this mysterious fragrant oily liquid coming out of statues, religious pictures, and tapestries... perhaps it's ending today. Whatever God wants, He will get. What was the purpose of it all? You called upon me shortly after it began and asked me for advice because people were coming and knocking on the door at all hours every day of the week... you were a family, you were concerned about your children, you were concerned about privacy... and the Lord made it obvious to me what to say to you. It's your home. God could have made this happen in the church, in a public place. He chose a home. God respects our freedom. You're the man of the house, you're the husband, you're the father. 

        You can make decisions. You can set the terms. You can limit the times. That is perhaps what I'd like to end with. We have no idea how much Almighty God respects the freedom He has given to us. The Father, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit offer to us intimate friendship beginning now and which will go on forever, but it's up to us. We can and we do say: "No!" We can and we do turn our backs. We do this to one another, and we do it to God. And He puts up with us, and He knows there will be another day; until the last day comes and there will be no more days. So, there is a kind of urgency in the Good News. Jesus kept harping at that. "The Kingdom of God is near. Wake up! Smell the coffee! Get with the program! Stop wasting time! 

        Call the person you've been neglecting. Drop in on the person you're avoiding. Forgive the enemy. Stop holding onto those burdens. It's time to give it up. It's time to let it go. It's time to put our trust in the One from whom we come and the One to whom we are returning. Amen? (All:) "Amen!" 


What are the offerings that we bring to God? What is the meaning of "HOSANNAH!" We acclaim God for his greatness and praise Him, while at the same time calling upon Him to rescue us in our distress.... "HOSANNAH!" MP3 version 


AT THE END OF HOLY MASS: Fr. Gilles - Invitation to write and send testimonies and "character references" about Maureen Rodrigues Marolly to Clayton or Father Gilles for the purpose of sending them to the Archbishop with a request to open an canonical inquiry into Maureen's life with a view to asking the Church to declare her a servant of God, blessed, and among the saints. 

Final prayers and Commendation - MP3 File 

Prayers at the Graveside - MP3 File 

Poem by Bede Jarrett - "We Give Them Back to You O Lord


© 2006-2022 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal QC           © 2006-2022 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

How can we receive the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives? - June 5th, 2022 - Pentecost - LSM in OLF Parish Church


VOCATION: Jesus calls us - He calls you to follow Him, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and become a missionary disciple.... 

NOVENA: It is never too late for us to join in prayer with Mary and the 120 disciples as they prayed and waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Defender, the Paraclete.... 

 Homily MP3 version 

What are the offerings that we bring to God? What is the meaning of "HOSANNAH!" We acclaim God for his greatness and praise Him, while at the same time calling upon Him to rescue us in our distress.... "HOSANNAH!" MP3 version 

Homily Outline 

Almost 2,000 years after Pentecost, how is it that the world has not yet been completely transformed? Jesus did not come to reform the Roman Empire, nor the Jewish Temple, nor even the Council of the Sanhedrin.... He came to meet people, one person at a time... including you and me.... 

So, how do we welcome within us the power of the Holy Spirit?

Lesson #1. Part A - Our prayers, our requests, must be specific and concrete.

        Jesus always asked people who were suffering, even when their trouble seemed obvious: "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus is still asking us the same question.

Part B - Jesus commands us to act, not to remain passive.

        Once a person had concretely expressed their request, Jesus did something, and then He told them to act, to also do something, to go from being passive to being active: "Get up, pick up your mat, and go home." "Go and show yourself to the priests and offer the prescribed sacrifice." "Go and sin no more." Etc.

        Jesus expects us to do the same as soon as we have expressed to Him our prayer. So, we must "do something" in connection to our request: visit a parent, call someone we've been neglecting, help a neighbour, rescue a person in distress... in other words, put aside concern about ourselves and make room for others through gestures and concrete actions.

Lesson #2. Part A - Don't focus on the traffic coming in the opposite direction - don't obsess over our sins, our failures, or the great darkness oppressing us.

        While driving at night it is very dangerous to focus our eyes on the lights of cars coming in the opposite direction... we would be at great risk to have a head-on collision and everyone dies. By analogy, neither must we focus the eyes of our spirit on all that is our sins, our failures, our fears, or all that is the "great darkness" in our life. The devil ever seeks to paralyze us by getting us to be obsessed with the darkness....

Part B - On the contrary, Jesus commands us: "Look at Me!"

        As He met people who were struggling with their misery, Jesus said to them: "Look at Me!" In other words, to free us from the darkness, to be able to forgive us our sins, to at times heal us from our illnesses or, if not, to give us the strength to endure them... for all that Jesus wants to do for us, He must first get our attention.

        Then, He needs us to have complete trust and confidence in Him and in the love of God our Father, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith is not a feeling or sentiment, but simply a decision. I decide to put my trust and confidence in Jesus, and then, I leave my confidence in Him and expect to receive his reply, whatever that will be. From that point on, my prayer remains: "Show me, Lord Jesus, what You want, what You are saying to me, what You are doing." 

Lesson #3. Part A - Praise the Lord and give Him thanks!

        We Catholic Christians of Québec and Canada, are an "aweful bunch" or "in an aweful mess", in the sense that we live and behave as though we are ashamed of our faith, and ashamed of God. We never speak of God, or of Jesus, or of our faith out loud. Especially not in our family, or at school or college or university, or at work, or with friends... or anywhere.

        When you get down to it, we've closed the gates of our heart, of our mind, of our spirit, and of our life to God. Why then should we be surprised that God seems silent or absent. We have banished Him from our existence. Some have said that God is a gentleman, and He respects our decisions, even to the point of leaving us alone. Do we really want that?

Part B - Jesus calls and attracts us... and then He sends us.... 

        God is ever attracting us to Himself. The Father sent us his Son in Jesus to get our attention. Jesus invites us to listen to Him and to follow Him. 

        The Holy Spirit inspires us, attracts us to go to Sunday Mass... The Spirit assembles us to form together the People of God. There, God speaks to us in a heart-to-heart with his living Word... Jesus nourishes us with his mysterious "divine meal" - giving Himself to us in his Body and Blood. Then, strengthened by this mysterious Presence of God within us, Jesus sends us out into the world as his missionary disciples: "Go in my peace! Proclaim the Good News! Go make disciples by sharing with them all that I have given you. I am with you until the end!"

 “O my Jesus, I trust in You. Immaculate Mother Mary, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us. We give praise to You, O God, the Father, + the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

In silence now, the Holy Spirit continues to pour the Divine Mercy deeply into our spirit..

© 2006-2022 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal QC
© 2006-2022 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

Funeral Mass for Luisa Laurienzo Cirino - Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. - Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish, Montreal (Cartierville) QC

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